Product Details
Female Geriatric Basic Patient Care Simulator 'Keiko'
Simple but high-quality, KEIKO reaches a wider range of trainees, including home-caren urses and caregivers. Keiko provides quality training for trainees and professionals who support long term care of patients in community and hospital.Features:
- Oral Care on the bed and wheel chair. Special care for the patient with feeding tube.
- Airway Suction: Oral, nasal and tracheotomy. (Tube insertion only)
- Tube feeding: Oral, nasal and PEG. (Tube insetion only)
- Pressure sores care: Stage 2 Scapula, Stage 3 Great trochanter, Stage 4 Sacrum bone, and Heel.
- Daily care with medical understandings: Stoma care, Bed bathing for the patient with central venous port, Perineal care for the patient with urinal catheter.
- Perineal care: Anatomically correct genitals for detailed care.
- Body positioning and transfer: Communication and appropriate handling to change the body positioning.
- Urinary catheterization
- Stoma care
- Bedpan practice
- Body positioning
- Wheelchair transfer
- Oral care
- Bed bathing
- Partial bathing
- Change of clothes
- Perineal care
- Hair care *optional
- Grooming and appearance
Respiratory Care
Wound Care
Drug Administration
- Oxygen inhalation
- Airway suction
- Postual drainage
- Tracheotomy care
Wound Care
- Pressure sore care
- Bandaging
Drug Administration
- Suppository
- BP measurement *only procedure, no outcome
- Auscultation *only procedure, no outcome
- Pulse taking *only procedure, no outcome
Pain management
Set Includes
- Fomentation
- Vaginal douche
- Postmortem care
Set Includes
- 1 manikin
- 1 denture
- 1 wig
- 1 oral cover for suctioning
- 1 female genitalia
- 1 male genitalia
- 1 under pants
- 1 wrench
- 1 instruction manual
Kyoto Kagaku Authorized Dealer